7:40 am Coffee & Check In

8:40 am Welcome Remarks from Organizer

8:50 am Chair’s Welcome, Opening Remarks & Connection Before Content

Demonstrate Your Company’s Commitment to Socially & Ethically Responsible Business Practice

9:00 am Discover: Aligning Social Impact Strategies with Your Core Business

  • Curtis Callaway Senior Director, Corporate Social Responsibility, Shaw Industries


• How can manufacturers foster mutually beneficial social impact partnerships based on their core product offerings?

• How best to promote your company’s philanthropic efforts to raise awareness around your commitment to social responsibility and community values

• How Shaw Industries’ partnership with St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital aligns their employees’ passions with a non-profit that resonates with consumers to bring brand differentiation

9:20 am Discover: Unpacking the Crossover Between Ethics & Sustainability in Manufacturing

  • Kevin Tubbs Vice President, Chief Ethics, Compliance & Sustainability Officer, Oshkosh


• How can manufacturers better recognize the alignment between ethics and sustainability and their importance when building a CSR strategy?

• Uncover sustainability initiatives aimed at addressing people-related issues and aligning corporate actions with your manufacturing firm’s core values

• Discover Oshkosh’s integrated approach to sustainability and ethics encompassing people-centric practice which has led it to be recognized as one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies for nine consecutive years

9:40 am Develop: What More Can We Learn About Social & Ethical Strategy in Manufacturing?

  • Kevin Tubbs Vice President, Chief Ethics, Compliance & Sustainability Officer, Oshkosh
  • Curtis Callaway Senior Director, Corporate Social Responsibility, Shaw Industries


Q&A Session Facilitated by the Chair

10:00 am Action: What Changes Can You Make to Evolve Your Social & Ethical Strategy?


Output Focused Action Session Facilitated by the Chair 

10:20 am Speed Networking Break

Embrace an Eco-Friendly Way of Business: Sustainability Strategies to Minimize Your Manufacturing Firm’s Environmental Footprint

11:00 am Discover: Beyond Carbon: How to Create a Comprehensive Environmental Stewardship Strategy for Your Manufacturing Firm

  • Emily Olson Director, Sustainability & ESG, Tetra Tech


• How can manufacturers mitigate risk by reducing their reliance on nature and depletion of natural resources?

• Learn how to utilize leading frameworks to evaluate your company’s impact on climate, water, land use and biodiversity

• Uncover Tetra Tech’s holistic approach to assessing environmental impacts and guidance on setting realistic targets for impact reductions

11:20 am Discover: Achieve Circularity as a Responsible Manufacturing Firm

  • Scott Tew Vice President, Sustainability & Managing Director, Center for Energy Efficiency & Sustainability, Trane Technologies


• How to bake sustainability into the production journey by using recycled and renewable materials and sustainable design

• Demystifying circularity in often complex supply chains in manufacturing

• Discover how Trane Technologies are leading the way with their circularity strategy, by incorporating it into every stage of the product lifecycle

11:40 am Discover: Incorporating Circularity as a Conscientious Manufacturing Business

  • Tim Bohlke Director of Sustainability, Resource Label Group


  • Understand how to master sustainable production by creating a circular economy within your manufacturing firm
  • How can manufacturers best design for recyclability?
  • Uncover the story behind Resource Label Group’s initiative which uses waste and recycled materials to produce and sell products, contributing to a circular economy

12:00 pm Develop: What Else Can We Learn About Biodiversity & Circularity?

  • Emily Olson Director, Sustainability & ESG, Tetra Tech
  • Scott Tew Vice President, Sustainability & Managing Director, Center for Energy Efficiency & Sustainability, Trane Technologies
  • Tim Bohlke Director of Sustainability, Resource Label Group


Q&A Session Facilitated by the Chair

12:20 pm Action: What Can You Change to Reduce Your Firm’s Impact on the Environment?


Output Focused Action Session Facilitated by the Chair

12:30 pm Networking Lunch

Mastering Supply Chain Circularity

1:40 pm Discover: Performing a materiality assessment – the process of understanding what matters for your business


  • The importance of building a solid foundation for your ESG strategy.
  • Identifying key stakeholders and collect unbiased data for internal and external parties.
  • Narrowing your focus and navigating the challenges of conflicting priorities.
  • Realize when to seek external expertise and learn how Moss Adams can help provide guidance, insight and an impartial perspective through the materiality process.

2:00 pm Discover: Closing the Supply Chain Circularity Gap with a Digital-First Mindset

  • Chandan Trehan Lead-Digital Supply Chains & Sustainability, Robert Bosch


  • How can manufacturers achieve sustainability through digitalization of the supply chain
  • Deep-dive into the digital measures you can take to improve efficiency and sustainability of your manufacturing firm’s supply chain
  • Uncover how Bosch’s ‘supply chain control tower’ has led it to significantly improve sustainability firmwide

2:20 pm Develop: What Else Can We Learn About ESG Reporting Water in Manufacturing?


Q&A Session Facilitated by the Chair

2:40 pm Action: How Can You Improve Your ESG Reporting Strategy?


Output Focused Action Session Facilitated by the Chair

3:00 pm Afternoon Networking & Refreshment Break

Sustainability Partnerships & Decarbonization Projects

3:20 pm Discover: Advancing Sustainability Through Partnerships & Decarbonization Initiatives


  • Uncover best-in-class decarbonization programs for manufacturers
  • Lessons from an established manufacturing organization to strengthen your ESG function
  • How Kraft-Heinz are working towards net-zero, including its journey with the Department of Energy

3:40 pm Discover: Building a Network of Circular Champions

  • Tim Ridderbos GM of Circular, Shapiro - Partners Today. For Tomorrow.


  • Learn to identify a strategic network of internal and external champions.
  • Acquire methods that foster the mindset needed to build strong networks.
  • Gain an understanding of how to operate circular networks efficiently and profitably. 
  • Predict the future of green and technology's intersection.

4:00 pm Develop: What More Can We Learn About Sustainable Partnerships?


Q&A Session Facilitated by the Chair

4:20 pm Action: What Are the Key Takeaways to Consider to Ensure Your Organization is Ready for Change?


Output Focused Action Session Facilitated by the Chair

4:40 pm Chair’s Closing Remarks & End of Day One

  • Josh Inman Director, ESG reg affairs & compliance, Cummins Inc