9:00 am Coffee & Check In

9:30 am Chair’s Opening Remarks & Recap of Day One

  • Josh Inman Director, ESG reg affairs & compliance, Cummins Inc

Efficient ESG Reporting as a Future-Ready Manufacturing Firm

9:40 am Discover: Navigating the Complexities of ESG Reporting as a Multi-National Manufacturing Firm

  • Josh Inman Director, ESG reg affairs & compliance, Cummins Inc


• Understand how to master sustainable production by creating a circular economy within your manufacturing firm

• How can manufacturers best design for recyclability?

• Uncover the story behind Resource Label Group’s initiative which uses waste and recycled materials to produce and sell products, contributing to a circular economy

10:00 am Discover: Realizing the Business Value of ESG Reporting

  • Jana Lake President and CEO of Sustainabilty Assurance Services (SAS), 3R Sustainability


  • How proactive stakeholder engagement and a management system approach to achieving material goals can increase business value
  • Improving ESG performance by leveraging cross-functional perspectives; considering current and emerging ESG regulations
  • How ESG report assurance by sustainability professionals increases credibility with stakeholders

10:20 am Develop: What Else Can We Learn About ESG Reporting?

  • Tim Bohlke Director of Sustainability, Resource Label Group
  • Jana Lake President and CEO of Sustainabilty Assurance Services (SAS), 3R Sustainability


Q&A Session Facilitated by the Chair

10:40 am Action: What Can You Change About Your Sustainability Approach for Long-Term Success?


Output Focused Action Session Facilitated by the Chair

11:00 am Networking Lunch

12:00 pm Speed Learning

  • Lisa Huett Director of Sustainability, Pretium Packaging


In this quick-fire session, each table will be hosted by an ESG leader who will share the secrets of their most high-impact LEAP;

you then get the opportunity to question the host before moving on to your next table.

Strategies to Promote Women in Leadership in Manufacturing

  • Lisa Huett Director of Sustainability, Pretium Packaging

Responsible Sourcing Practices for Sustainable Supply Chain Management

  • Amy Glawe Sr ESG Portfolio Manager, Reynolds Consumer Products

Trends & Innovations in Waste Management for Manufacturing Organizations

  • Dara Ward Global Sustainability Director, CoorsTek

Best Practices for Zero Waste Manufacturing

1:00 pm Chair’s Closing Remarks & End of Conference

  • Josh Inman Director, ESG reg affairs & compliance, Cummins Inc